Thanks to everyone who has checked out the responses to the #threequestionsEDU series so far. I always enjoy reading the writing and thoughts of other teachers and I hope you find the responses interesting. Please respond in the comments and share what you think. If you’d like to respond to the questions, please read this post first. Kicking off the third #threequestionsEDU response is Catherine Owen.
Catherine Owen
Twitter handle:
A bit about yourself:
What do you think are the biggest issues facing education right now?
I teach in a fairly large, inclusive secondary school and am concerned about how well some of my students are being served by the education system. Exam reforms aiming for more rigour and providing extra grades at the top could leave those at the bottom floundering. Schools are trying to support these students, but funding cuts and changes to SEND provision are making this more challenging. Add the impact of austerity policies outside of school and some students really have an uphill struggle.
What’s your favourite teaching and learning idea/technique/strategy/tool?
If you were appointed Minister of Education in your country, what would be the first thing you’d change and why?
My thanks to Catherine for taking the time to respond to the questions. I hope you find it of interest and look forward to reading your comments!