I’ve sung the praises of Gooru for some time now but haven’t blogged about it and thought it was about time that I did. Gooru is great as a launch page for browsers in schools because of the content it kicks you off with. It might not give you the complete power of Google, but it’s not half bad!
Loaded with learning resources for most subjects, it’s definitely worth checking out. Do so at http://www.goorulearning.org/
Unlike other search engines too, what you (or your students) can do (once you’ve signed up), is build collections for learning based upon different topics that are held within there too. Check out this search for ‘Of Mice and Men‘…
You can filter results by categories of videos, websites, inter actives, questions, slides and more, including lessons and examinations.
Do you use it already? How do you find it? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.