Technology in education isn’t just about teachers, without the technical infrastructure to back everything up, it’s a bit like the old adage of building your house on sandy land – things just aren’t going to work.
The job of the Network Manager and their technicians is, by the nature of the beast, a technical job. With so many spinning plates; a one-stop shop location for all your crucial information and the ability to fix and sort problems right from your desk is a great way to ensure success and great uptime for all your key systems, particularly those surrounding teaching and learning and your MIS.
Enter NetSupport DNA.
Described as a complete IT solution:
“NetSupport DNA provides all the tools your school or MAT needs to efficiently manage its technology, achieve best practice and save resources – in one low-cost solution.”
So in today’s #FiveWaysEdu I dive into five ways that NetSupport DNA can help Network Managers.
Like the sound of NetSupport DNA? Check out the website and get yourself a free trial today.