Cody and Lewis showed a fantastic video on some ideas to use for starters. Guess your number game - a thinking game to get students' minds thinking! - create a sketch and choose a brush colour and type, you can then draw something. Concentration memory game -
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Gavin talked about a range of ideas, fun and easy to use in the classroom Linoit - a little bit like wall wisher but fantastic to use for starters, plenaries, reviews and communicating learning during a lesson. Inappropriate comments can be taken off easily. Available on iPad and iPhone, Popplet…
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Donna is a Head of ICT at Filton. She spoke about how great QR codes are, being able to link to texts and pictures. They can be created easily using a QR code generator. Donna's school has used this as a treasure hunt activity for Open Activity, a revision trail…
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Mark spoke about Google Forms and how useful they are in the classroom for tests and surveys amongst other things. Some forms can even be marked for you! Mark advised you'd need a google account and knowledge of forms in some way. But otherwise, it was very easy. A short…
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Creativity - it's ok to take risks and not to know the answers. Andy introduced a variety of ways to create creativity in the classroom -, you can set up a website for a specific lesson and people can comment on each others work, - draw what…
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