The last week in July is always a special one for me. It’s the week that we normally see the Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Institutes taking place around the globe.
Traditionally the Institutes work on a two year rotation. One year there will be a new intake of ADE’s (that was last year in Amsterdam). These regionalised Institutes take place in three locations around the world; Americas, Australasia and Europe, Middle East and India and UAE. Competition and applications for these Institutes is fierce.
This year sees the alternating global Institute taking place in one location, with ADEs from around the world congregating in one place to learn and share great practice.
I attended my first Institute in 2013 in Cork, Ireland. It was the best CPD event I had ever attended. I was gutted when I couldn’t make the global Institute which took place the subsequent year in San Diego so this global Institute that I’m leaving to attend today in Berlin is something that I am really looking forward to. Something which many people don’t know is that you have to apply to attend every Institute. Once you are an ADE you sustain that title but to attend you have to show you are still sustaining your impact as an educator. Fortunately I was selected again.
What makes an ADE Institute so special?
For me, first and foremost, it’s the people. The amazing educators there, sharing their stories, their experiences, their journeys, their friendship. The second thing that makes it so very special is the learning opportunities that take place there. For years prior to attending my first Institute I had been searching for that CPD holy grail. Sure, I had some fantastic opportunities to develop my pedagogy and other aspects of my career but when it came to developing my knowledge, skills, practice in relation to learning and technology it was the Institute in Cork that came to my rescue. I learned so much. Fantastic opportunities to learn from luminaries such as Nancy Duarte, Bill Frakes, the team at Apple and so many more. It was awesome. It was special.
We hear about the best CPD events in the world – for me the Instituts are the best CPD events I ever attend and I cannot wait to get out of Bristol Airport where I’m sat now waiting for my flight so I can join the others.
If you want to join in from afar then check the #ADE2016 hashtag. It’s already rife with excited educators from around the world making their way. You’ll probably see lots of selfies of people who, despite separated by geography will be the best of friends looking forward to getting together again to share in one more amazing experience.
I can’t wait.
New experiences
This institute will see me sharing with some great educators from around the world in a special session looking at social media. I am so excited about this!
So… If you’re there already or en route, I will see you there! If you’re unable to come I will see you either on the hashtag or on the other side!
Safe travels everyone.
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