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AppVent Calendar Day Ten – @ThingLink!

By December 10, 2019No Comments

Welcome to Day Ten of my Appvent Calendar. Congratulations today go to the fab tool ‘ThingLink’. If you haven’t come across ThingLink before, it’s a great tool with lots of use cases for learning and teaching.

ThingLink allows you to upload your photos of whatever you want and then tag different areas of the image to make it interactive. You can hyperlink aspects of the image to a resource, you can add points of interest which, when tapped, play a video of you or your learner explaining things about that point of interest. There is so much you can do with this versatile tool.

As a tool that I have regularly shared for more almost ten years, ThingLink is about to hit its tenth birthday in 2020. Over those years it has consistently been one of those great edtech tools which have a low entry threshold for use with its simple to use interface but hugely scalable in terms of the ages who use it for learning reasons.

They’ve recently had a slew of updates to the product too which make it even easier to use and more appealing through its single sign-on opportunities.

One of the most innovative uses of ThingLink comes with its ability to work with 360° panoramas and it’s also been great to see ThingLink team up with ClassVR to open up opportunities to use to the tool in VR too. It even has integrations so you can capitalise on other things too such as making your ThingLink creations accessible through Immersive Reader. Superb!

I’ve used ThingLink many times both in the classroom and to share resources. I shared the original ARVR Periodic Table using ThingLink and it’s amazing to see how many views it has had. I have since put the 2019 ARVR table into ThingLink and I’ve embedded it below for you to see. How much more useful is that image now, given that you can simply tap on the app icon and be taken to its location on the App Store?!

For more information on ThingLink, check out my previous post with some ideas on its use here.

I hope you’re finding the series interesting and helpful. I’m looking forward to sharing more with you across the rest of the Appvent series. If you’re interested in working with me in your school, or perhaps you are interested in having your app featured in the Appvent Calendar, please just drop me a line via my Contact Page.  I’m looking forward to sharing more tomorrow!

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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