One of the reasons I started organising Teachmeets many moons ago was because I wanted to give myself the opportunity to present in front of my peers without my knees knocking, sweating and feeling full of imposter syndrome – if I’m honest, it still happens now but through practice comes techniques to help you through those things. If only this great little app ‘VirtualSpeech‘ had been around back then!
Featured on the recent ARVR Periodic table for iOS that Steve Bambury and I created, VirtualSpeech like many good products does what it says and so VirtualSpeech is an app that allows you to practice speeches, virtually. As we all know, oracy has a positive impact on learning in many ways as discussed in this previous post >> Oracy in the curriculum and how technology can help. This app has a significant number of ways in which it can be used to assist with this.
With uses for learners of all ages, this 4+ app has lots of different audiences and scenarios around public speaking that users can choose to explore. You can choose to go for a job interview or speak in a TED-style auditorium or practice networking with someone.
In order to make the best use this app, the use of a Google Cardboard headset would be ideal. It does work on an iPad but you do not get the same immersive effect to that which you do when using a headset.
You can even get feedback on your performance in a variety of areas and you can also add your own slides into the virtual room within the app so that you can practice for an upcoming event.
Regardless of all of that though, the opportunity to suspend your disbelief for a minute and just practice speaking to an audience of your choosing as a means of rehearsing and gaining confidence is something I think would be of use to not just students. I can see this being of use for teachers too in a number of scenarios such as; preparing to deliver your first assembly or to run your first workshop to colleagues – all things that once made me really nervous.
You can find the app on the App Store here or the Google Play store here.