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50 popular hashtags to help develop your professional learning

By June 11, 2017December 16th, 2017No Comments

What is a hashtag?

Hashtags for the uninitiated are those words you see sometimes with the # symbol in front of them. Many of my UK readers will have seen the #GE2017 hashtag these past few weeks on Twitter. Most people tweeting or posting on Instagram and other social media about the general election will have been using that hashtag when tweeting about the event. In fact if you click this link for #GE2017 you will see all of the current tweets around this topic.

What use is a hashtag?

Hashtags are a great way of grouping together messages from people around a specific topic. When you click a hashtag on Twitter you are then presented with a great number of different tweets on topics around the ideas of that hashtag. I have recently been organising an event called ‘Moving On Education’ in Exeter (visit here for information about how you can attend). To support the event we have been holding weekly Twitter chats using the hashtag #MovingOnEdChat (join us Thursday’s from 7pm GMT+1 for the chat). By visiting that hashtag you’ll see all of the tweets created around the topics discussed, regardless of whether you follow the person who wrote it or not. Checking hashtags linked to your interests are a great way to find educators to extend your PLN.

How do you make a hashtag?

Anyone can make a hashtag. Simply write your message and whatever theme your tweet has, simply add the # symbol in front of your word and that is it! Try clicking the following sentence to tweet with a hashtag. I’ve learned about hashtags from #ICTEvangelist! 

So what?

This post certainly isn’t the first of its kind but held in this post below are 50 hashtags that I know of and have been a part of over the years to help me with my professional learning and sharing and so I thought I’d share them with you. It is by sharing and reflecting that we improve our practice and so hopefully you’ll find these hashtags useful in developing your professional learning network. Here they are in no particular order…

50 popular education hashtags

  1. #dyslexia
  2. #edchat
  3. #edtechchat
  4. #dojochatEU
  5. #dojochat
  6. #pblchat
  7. #aussieED
  8. #asiaED
  9. #edchatMENA
  10. #satchat
  11. #edtech
  12. #elearning
  13. #ADEchat
  14. #ADE2017
  15. #WhatIsSchool
  16. #BETTchat
  17. #SLTchat
  18. #TeamEnglish
  19. #Pedagoo
  20. #PedagooFriday
  21. #PrimaryRocks
  22. #ResearchED
  23. #education
  24. #FEchat
  25. #SEND
  26. #literacy
  27. #ukedchat
  28. #edchatie
  29. #engchatUK
  30. #AppShareLive
  31. #behaviourchat
  32. #BAMEed
  33. #WomenED
  34. #HourOfCode
  35. #MicrosoftEDU
  36. #NotAtISTE
  37. #MinecraftEDU
  38. #MIEExpert
  39. #BYOD
  40. #flipclass
  41. #MLchat
  42. #nqtchat
  43. #iPadchat
  44. #iPadED
  45. #edutweets
  46. #MovingOnEdChat
  47. #STEM
  48. #Mathchat
  49. #caschat
  50. #DLchat
  51. #ASEchat


So I hope you’ve found this post useful. A simple Google search will bring up other posts that are similar to this one to help you find other hashtags for education such as this one by my PLN member and friend @clcsimon. Whatever you do, as a modern educator using social media to help your professional learning, getting your head around hashtags is a good way to help you start to make the most of your developing PLN and finding other great educators to follow and connect with.

Thanks for reading!

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.

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