I make no apologies for making this an iPad focused post. So many of the schools that I work with have iPads both for students and for educators. The majority of the 30 Apps I’ve chosen are ones I have used extensively myself in the classroom with some new additions which I have seen being used by others to great success.
It may be that you have some others that you feel would be a better fit, and if there are, I’d love to read and learn about them from you in the comments. I hope you find the graphic of some use.
If you are interested in purchasing a clean, non-branded version of this, or a school-branded version of my periodic table of Apps, please let me know.
Perhaps you’d like to explore Studyo as a student and teacher planner app? http://studyo.co
Interesting. I’ll have a look at it, thank you.
Studyo has a school-level service to generate a single configuration which can be updated during the year on all devices, and including sharing of tasks between teachers and students, as well as providing parent access. FYI 🙂
Love this list, Mark! Though i-nigmna is the best QR code reader for school. It is so fast and literally only requires a fragment of the code to read–essential when I’ve got a big group of grade 8s coming to scan.
Thanks Jennifer. I tend to agree but it unfortunately it doesn’t allow you to create. My choice was balanced against that requirement. If that wasn’t in the mix I would have gone with your choice too
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Great post, really useful. How do you rate Pic Collage? I use it all the time in my primary classroom but is there something better? Many thanks
Thanks! I think Pic Collage is great! There’s a reason why it’s so popular!
This is an excellent list of apps and it would definitely come in handy now that schools will start preparing for the new school year. May I also suggest you have a look at http://www.teachngo.com? Still web based but well behaved on iPads:)
Hi! This is an awesome list!! I just went to a tech conference and someone share the app “Three RIng”. It’s a teacher resource that keeps all info, data, pics, video etc. of a student all together in one place. You “tag” students just like on facebook. Then if you are doing grades or in a parent conference, you just put in a student name and all their “tagged” files come up. I’m planning on using it this year. Thanks for your resource!
Thank you for the great list (and site).
I’ve been looking for a good ipad pdf annotator that make comments and highlights that are compatible with Preview / Adobe on the PC. I found PDF Cabinet by Motech, It’s free :).
Hi Mark,
How would I go about buying a non-branded version?
I use Class Manager as a communication tool with my parents. It’s free, parents can choose to receive messages by text, email or both and the contact info (email address and phone number) remain hidden. The parents that have signed up absolutely love it. I use it to communicate either with individual parents or the group. I can even be used for the same purpose with older students who have their own devices.