PowerPoint. It is much maligned and certainly has its place in the education world. Even advances with Apple’s Keynote with Keynote in the cloud are a step forward, however, I would argue that we as educators should seek to set a higher bar on the way we present materials. Subjects and even schools can be branded to create a unified and streamlined sense of belonging for the learners, however this can take time and cost a lot of money. In the short term, there is a lot you can do as a classroom teacher to make presentations more engaging, and here are 5 tools to allow you to make inspiring materials. Remember, where you lead, students will follow, so this might be the start of getting a higher standard for presentations in your class.
1 – Haiku Deck – This is available as an app and now as a web tool. It creates beautiful clean and word minimal presentations. Brilliant as it uses creative commons images, and also as students can’t just read off slides.
Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app
2 – PowToon – This is a lovely little animation style presentation tool, which really helps to engage learners in creating a whole presentation, not just about creating words on a slide. It also allows a lot of creativity in how the presentation will look, so children can really take ownership of their work.
3 – Slid.es – In many ways this is similar to PowerPoint, but has a very polished professional look. The templates are easy to use, and even younger learners will be able to achieve a high level of work. Good for building confidence, and developing literacy skills.
4 – Presentation in G drive. The key to the power of this tool is in its ability to allow children to collaborate. You can allot one slide per child and have them working on their own topic, but allow them to peer assess each others work with FiSH (Friendly, Specific and helpful) comments. This is true collaborative working facilitated by a digital tool.
5 – VideoScribe – This tool is an app, which can be a bit tricky to get the hang out, but provides as unique feel to a presentation, which allows allows you to choose background music, and for learners to do a voice over. I have done some work on AppSmashing (using more than one app to produce creative results) and this is a great one for that as you can import the product from the camera roll into iMovie to produce a more polished result along with other assets you might want to include.
There you go, 5 tools to help polish your presentations. Of course I could have included good old Prezi, but who doesn’t know about that? Do you have any more favourites, I would love to hear about them.
Photo Credit: mattcornock via Compfight cc
Have you checked out Doceri? Doceri is an amazing presentation solution that enables the user to add animated annotations to any presentation keeping their audience engaged through motion. Doceri can take any slide from another program and use it as the back ground to add elements that keep the audience watching. Doceri’s unique “TimeLine” feature is what sets it apart from all other presentation programs. It is played back using an iPad so that enables the presenter to walk freely around staying engaged with his audience.
Doceri is comprised of two parts. The free App for iPad (look for another platform any day) and the software enabling the user to control and present their computer through the iPad.
I would also add Projeqt and Nearpod as other tools.
Hi Mark,
Please consider adding iPad presentation app “Ruri ” to your list.
Ruri is another presentation app on iPad for anyone who want to make beautiful presentations quickly.
To make a beautiful presentation, Ruri puts words and images in suitable places automatically and provides background movies.
Watch Ruri on move:
Please check this out. We’re planning to provide Ruri for free until 21st March.
Ruri on AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ruri-create-presentations/id959336813?mt=8
Our website: http://www.martianstalk.com
Thanks Namiko. I’ve had a look at the app. It’s quite nice but a shame there aren’t more than 3 templates or font choices. Agreed it is relatively simple to make the presentations but again, it’s a shame there are no export functions. Hopefully these will come with later releases?
Hi Mark,
Thanks a lot for trying our app.
We’re working on more and more templates.
Also, we’re planning to add export functions soon. That’s the first thing on our plan and it’s gonna be pdf files only at first.
I hope you can add Ruri to your list considering our plans of templates and export functions.
Best Regards,