Welcome to Day Twelve of the 2020 Appvent Calendar! As with the other entries on the calendar this year, today’s recommended tool is one which has been a staple of my teaching and learning toolkit for many years. As a tool which at its heart, supports flipped learning and is…
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The thing is, in education, for both students and teachers, using technology can be quite a complicated thing. Evangelists (where has that term come from?) can go on about the amazing features of devices and how you can create amazing things with them. Yes, you can... but actually - is…
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Have just stumbled upon a great free tool called Videonot.es. Essentially, you can load videos from lots of different online sites such as YouTube, Khan Academy, Vimeo, Coursera and more. As you work through the video making your notes alongside it, so the notes are time-stamped against the video. You…
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