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So you want to support Maths learning with an iPad?

By April 10, 20129 Comments

When thinking about using an iPad to support learning, it is important to remember that the iPad supports learning. It is not going to do the teaching for you. Maths learning is no exception. That said, innovative approaches to using multiple apps can really help with the support of the learning of different elements within the Maths curriculum.

It is much better to get a workflow with multiple apps to support the learning.

Here are just some of the apps available from the App store related to Mathematics:


The best way of working with these apps though is not in isolation. It is much better to get a workflow with multiple apps to support the learning.

For example:


If you’re running a flipped model, you may wish to show a video on how to solve a simple algebraic equation, either created by you or perhaps from iTunes U or the Khan Academy on the topic. Students then arrive at your classroom with some understanding of the process. If you’re not using a flipped model, you could always demonstrate this in your lesson as you may do normally.


Then, whilst supporting students with this learning, they practice their learning using the Algebra Touch app which gives students algebraic learning and practice opportunities.


Then, to finish off the activity, you ask students to use a screencasting app, such as Show Me, Screenchomp, Educreations, or Explain Everything (£1.99) (for my money, if you can – get Explain Everything, it is the Daddy – if you want a Ronseal app that students will pick up and run with VERY easily, go for Show Me. Whilst Educreations is good – the fact that it exports sequences to a site with a Flash movie makes it unsupportable for sharing on an iPad. Screenchomp, whilst handy, is not as good as its counterparts).


Run a quiz at the end of the lesson (or Space Race if using Socrative Teacher / Socrative Student) using Socrative (all free) or eClicker host (£6.99) / eClicker student (free).


Other ways in which apps can be used innovatively. Students could:

Garageband – create a song or podcast about a Mathematical construct

PuppetPals HD – generate an animated learning sequence

Creative Book Builder or Book Creator – create their own ePub about the topic

Keynote – create a narrated presentation on the topic


If you take anything away from reading this post it should be this. There is no iPad app that is a magic wand that is going to make your students amazing Mathematicians. As with any lesson, a solid, pedagogically sound plan based around learning is going to give you and your students significant wins when it comes to their their success. The difference being, is that the iPad can make it fun, immediate, engaging and if you’re running a 1:1 programme, one which students can access any time, any place.

Finally, thanks to Andy Hutt for kindly passing on this super list of Maths related apps. Can I highly recommend you visit his superb blog

For the ‘Trawled’ section, these are various apps recommended/linked to on a variety of maths related sites. These have mainly come from UK sites and, for the apps, I’ve chosen ones that are less numeracy and more maths, and that are free/lite/<$5.00 (with the exception of Numbers).


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Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.


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