Explain Everything – probably one of the most written about Apps on my blog. It works on pretty much every device bar an Apple Watch and has the propensity to support and enhance learning in multitudes of different ways. I really love how the guys work too. They really listen to users of the App and try to build in developments to reflect the requests of users. Massive congratulations to the team for getting a place on the BETT Futures area in January. I can’t wait to meet them all.
In the mean time, in my current work I know how some teachers can find the interface a little confusing using Explain Everything. To that end, I thought I would demonstrate how, with a little thought, and planning, you can create some quite creative pieces of work using the App.
Inspired by something that I saw a while ago, I thought I could take things up a notch…
Video to highlight scope of Explain Everything
How I did it
And here is another video showcasing how I actually made it.
Using features of Explain Everything such as the lock, the ‘set as background’ options as well as other elements such as the ability to trace around images to make the edges transparent, can really help to make an awesome video; not just for explaining things but to use as a creative tool.
It’s too hard
I’m the first person to say to not use tech for tech’s sake, but this isn’t about that; this is about using the features to create quality outcomes, when the opportunity presents itself. After all – what is TPACK if it isn’t about knowing as a master teacher when to, or not to, use technology. If you’re thinking of Webb’s DOK levels too, how better to demonstrate your extended thinking (L4) or your strategic thinking and reasoning than by creating (Blooms) something which showcases your knowledge, thinking and skills in a topical area? Caveat: I am not an expert in the International Space Station!
Explain Everything is a more technically demanding tool to use than some of the others around, but that’s because it has more features, more flexibility and as a result gives more opportunities to showcase creativity and learning. Should the fact that it is more difficult to use be a reason not to use it though? No! I get that technology across the curriculum isn’t about a Computing lesson – I concur wholeheartedly, but if a group of Year 4s can successfully use it to demonstrate their learning in creative, innovative and yes, fun way, then shouldn’t we examine it further?
For what it’s worth, I think Explain Everything is great. I don’t get any kickback for saying this; I’ve just seen the impact it can have in the classroom on student engagement, learning and effort and I cannot wait for the new developments that are coming for this amazing bit of kit; it is so much more than *just* an IWB on your iPad / Chromebook / Nexus / whatever…
If you like these ideas and more and would like to work with me then please do not hesitate to get in touch via this link.