Nominations for #eddies14 - ICTEvangelist Skip to main content

Nominations for #eddies14

By November 16, 2014August 13th, 20172 Comments


It’s that time of year again. It is staggering that this is the 11th Edublog awards. So much learning and sharing has taken place over those 11 years in the education community. I learn so much on a daily basis from all of the brilliant teaching professionals who share their practice. Thank you to you all, whether you run a collaborative blog, write your own or run one for you class. Thank you.


Best individual blog by @HeadGuruTeacher

I learn so much from reading Tom’s blog. Everyone I know in schools use it as a go to place for ideas, learning and guidance in what a school should look like.  His sharing of ideas is so prolific. I value his judgement and thoughts so very highly.

Best group blog by @Pedagoo

The Pedagoo blog is more than just a blog, it is a community that personifies everything that we need in our profession. Sharing, positivity, growth and a helping hand from the many members who take part in its brilliance. When the awards come round, please vote for Pedagoo. It gives so much, let’s give something back.

Best new blog by @thosethatcan

11 months old and influencing so many others with her stories of learning from her career, I love this blog from Emma Kell. It is worthy of reading, again and again.

Best student blog  by @The HeadsOffice

Julia Skinner’s 100 word challenge blog is something that might be seen as a bit of a cheat, but I love it. The 100 word challenge engages and inspires so many young people with developing their literacy. The work is amazing and inspiring. Please check it out.


Best teacher blog by @TeacherToolkit

With such influence and output in the form of helpful learning opportunities for all, @TeacherToolkit reminds us almost daily how we should be working with our young people.

Best administrator blog by @JohnTomsett

John writes with such passion and pathos about all things education. I aspire to be as good as he is.

Most influential blog post of the year

Securing headship as a member of SLT by @KevBartle

Kev’s usual blistering honesty and ‘botheredness’ about his growing role make this a must read post. It’s a game changer and a great guide for anyone looking to gain their first role in headship. Brilliant.

Best individual tweeter


For me, this man simply gives and gives. He is the king of curation and shares it all. Definitely worthy of your following.

Best free web tool


There are simply so many to choose from. With great power comes responsibility as they say. I would say that the best free web tool has to be Twitter. It connects and brings together so many people for sharing and learning. Without a shadow of a doubt, without Twitter and the opportunities it brings, many of us educators would not be where we are today and neither would our classrooms.

Best Twitter hashtag or chat


Without any hesitation. 100%. #UKEdChat.

Best educational wiki

ICTMagic by @ICTMagic

Martin Burrett’s wiki is a one stop shop to edtech brilliance. I wish I could be so prolific and excellent as he is with his ideas and sharing. Simply brilliant.

Best open PD / unconference / webinar series

Teachmeet –

I’m pretty sure this is cheating, but I wanted to recognise the Teachmeet movement in the UK here with the Teachmeet wiki which helps coordinate and organise all of the hundreds of Teachmeets that take place all over the UK. Teachmeets like social media have helped to change the landscape of teaching and learning in this country (as in many others) and I would like to recognise the wiki and its managers for helping this to take place.

Best educational use of a social network


This would have to be the #PedagooFriday tweets. They are a huge boost for positivity in education each and every Friday, taking on the tweets from educators all over the world. If you haven’t checked it before, please do – it is heartwarming and inspiring.

Best mobile app

The one I keep going back to again and again is…. not going to get a mention because actually, I use so many, it would be unfair to pick just one. Please do however check my blog or the ICTMagic wiki for a smorgasbord of fabulous ideas for mobile apps and their use.


Lifetime achievement

This is a tough one. I think here, I’m going to have to nominate @MusicMind – Nina Jackson. She is a bright spot in our education landscape. If you have ever had the pleasure of seeing her speak at an event, she is simply brilliant. With pathos and good humour, with consideration for the most very vulnerable of our learning society, Nina is just lovely. And, she’s got a wicked dose of craziness about her too which just makes you laugh and cry too.


Thank you to everyone who blogs – if you read my blog, you know that my reader list is pretty choc full with all of the blogs that I read on a daily basis. I’m sorry I couldn’t nominate everyone but please don’t let that stop you from sharing your brilliant ideas. I wouldn’t learn anywhere near as much if you didn’t. Thank you.

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.


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