With Safer Internet Day being just around the corner, for today’s #FiveWaysEdu post, I thought it’d be a good idea to share a few ideas for activities you could undertake to help promote the event in your setting.
I’ve been working at NetSupport in recent weeks on a new Online Safety Guide to coincide with this year’s #SID23 and more recently I recorded a panel session with Ken Corish (SWGfL), Traci Good (i-Vengers), Al Kingsley (NetSupport, Jérôme Nogues (Head of Digital at Packwood Haugh), Tom Thelen (US Mental Health author and expert) and Emma Hardy (Internet Watch Foundation) which will be launched live for #SID23 too.
On the infographic, I couldn’t help but share my regularly shared message that every day should be a safer internet day, but the day itself is definitely a force for good. In my opinion, anything that promotes online safety and the safeguarding of young people when they use the internet should be high on the agenda for all educators.
With more than 170 countries taking part, it’s clearly a landmark event that I’m super happy to support.
And so here are today’s five ways to consider celebrating Safer Internet Day:
If you were looking for some ways to engage with online safety across your curriculum, particularly around point one, then like many, I advocate for using the superb Project Evolve tool which is completely free for schools to make use of.
With awesome coverage across the various strands, it is a fantastic resource. You can learn more about it if you haven’t seen it, in Olly Lewis’ Appvent entry from last year’s event.