Welcome to Day Two of #Appvent22.
We are delighted to share another calendar of superb apps, tools, and services. With a great start to the event yesterday, we proceed today with an award-winning platform that is having a huge impact on staff wellbeing.
Staff wellbeing has rightly become a hot topic in schools and the creators of Welbee have developed an innovative solution to improving outcomes for school leaders, staff, and ultimately children. In fact, as of July 2022, 85% of schools that use Welbee reported an improvement in staff wellbeing scores.
So what is Welbee and how does it work?
The platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools that MATs, schools and colleges can use, to not just help track staff wellbeing in the school but also help reduce workplace stress, retain and motivate teachers (in fact all staff), reduce costs, and improve student attainment.
The process starts with a benchmarking survey that takes about 10 minutes to fill in which can be completed on any device. The results of this survey are captured in a dashboard (school and MAT).
Results can then be compared to other schools through the use of benchmarks. These benchmarks derive from the UK’s Health and Safety Executive’s Management Standards, meaning the measurement is recognised in the DfE’s Education Staff Wellbeing Charter.
As further surveys are taken progress is visible within the dashboard and through analytics, which can be used to track scores, so you know what action is working. A detailed report is also generated with recommended actions.
Other Benefits and Features
We really love the Heatmap feature so you can see at a glance which groups are performing well and any groups requiring support. Filters can be used, such as Job Role and Time at School. Bespoke filters can be generated, including subject and department. MATs can also use these tools from within their group dashboard to internally benchmark and compare schools. This means you can quickly celebrate success and support where needed, while the schools can take immediate action through their own dashboard and report – no waiting for everything to be cascaded down.
Another top feature is the ability for staff to post comments anonymously. These can be searched using keywords and tagged and most importantly, responded to…making it easy to create a more engaging way of building staff wellbeing.
You can also download a PowerPoint presentation pre-populated with key information and trends from the survey. This can be tweaked before being shared with staff. This makes it so easy for school leaders to use.
The final benefit we will mention is the Toolkit, as it is what happens after the survey that is most important. In addition to the recommended actions, the toolkit provides additional resources for leaders and staff, with a focus on supporting you to build staff wellbeing into the culture.
Of course, there are lots of other options and tools present in Welbee and with the site being so easy to navigate and menus and search options clear, it is easy to find what you need.
Please don’t just take our word for it! Welbee is already being used in hundreds of schools and MATs across the UK and beyond. In fact, as well as recently winning the judge’s commendation award at the GESS Awards in Dubai, Welbee also won for best wellbeing solution at this year’s Education Resource Awards. Here’s a quote from the judges:
“Welbee is a great tool for assessing staff wellbeing and a time-saver for school leaders. Providing leaders with access to high-level data to assess and support well-being, which gives them the visibility to support positive interventions and outcomes.” ERA Judges 2022
And from one of their customers:
“Welbee provides an amazing foundation to our wellbeing strategy. It’s cost-effective, easy to use and provides excellent support, making the complex job of managing multiple pieces of data from 1300 employees, easy. Welbee is a highly effective staff wellbeing evaluation and improvement tool, making staff wellbeing simply part of what happens every day.” – Debbie Duggan, Operational Resources Director, The Two Counties Trust
To sum up
Wellbeing has rightly received a lot of focus of late, and not just in education. It is something that needs to be addressed and prioritised and the team at Welbee has done a great job in providing a superb solution that puts this right at the heart of your school. You can book a free demo here: https://schools.welbee.co.uk/30-Minute-Demo and can follow Welbee for more information and inspiration on Twitter here.
Today’s entry is a sponsored post.