Creativity – it’s ok to take risks and not to know the answers.
Andy introduced a variety of ways to create creativity in the classroom –, you can set up a website for a specific lesson and people can comment on each others work, – draw what you see in the clouds, wall, primarywall,, Lulu – creating an actual book for a class with their own work, storybird – creating a book with pictures based on the words that have been written by students, Glogster – online poster or physical poster which will sum up learning for that particular activity, xtranormal, podcasting – GarageBand, set up an account with Posterous and get them online for free! Zooburst – 3d story to make your own pop up books.
Andy said that blogging was an ideal way to encourage students to write, real audience and getting their work out to other people. Lots of things in schools are still analogue which can still create creativity.
Can we have a creative culture in school? Is it ok for teachers to take risks? Is it ok for teachers not to know all the answers? Yes!