One of the great things about having your own blog upon which to write is that you are in complete control of what you can share there. Bleurgh, see? Love Mick Lynch! There’s another. Solidarity with teachers! There’s another! I’ve really been enjoying the #FiveWaysEdu series and I’ve been really…
If you haven’t come across #ChatGPT yet, then what rock have you been hiding under? Every social media platform, news outlet, magazine, blog, podcast and vlog is talking about it. The opportunities provided by #ChatGPT are huge. I talked about it here in this recent post: Will AI Make Us…
Popular tool Flippity has lots of useful features to help with a wide variety of teaching and learning tasks. With such a wide range of helpful tools, it’s well worth an explore. For today’s #FiveWaysEdu post I’m sharing five of my favourite ways it can be used in the classroom:
Technology in education isn’t just about teachers, without the technical infrastructure to back everything up, it’s a bit like the old adage of building your house on sandy land – things just aren’t going to work. The job of the Network Manager and their technicians is, by the nature of…
I’m a big fan of now>press>play and have been for some time – in fact, they’ve just been shortlisted as finalists at the BETT awards: We're super excited to share that #nowpressplay has been shortlisted for the #BettAwards in the Primary – Digital Learning Product – Language & Literacy category!…
With Safer Internet Day being just around the corner, for today’s #FiveWaysEdu post, I thought it’d be a good idea to share a few ideas for activities you could undertake to help promote the event in your setting. I’ve been working at NetSupport in recent weeks on a new Online…
There are many ways in which technology can be used in the classroom to help with a wide variety of learning activities. If there’s one activity in the classroom that can have a big impact on learner progress, then promoting metacognition ticks all of the right boxes. I won’t elaborate…
Video is such a powerful medium. From TikTok to YouTube to iMovie to Apple Clips to ClipChamp to…. well there are so many. We can even take video content and use tools to build quizzing opportunities to stretch the idea of what is possible with video in the classroom even…
Virtual whiteboards are hugely popular and for a good reason. They have many uses to support learning and teaching, but how do you know whether your use of your favourite tool will help with learning or teaching or just make for a fun distraction? In today’s #FiveWaysEdu post, I explore…
Evidence in education is huge right now and quite rightly so. When it comes to edtech, evidence and research can sometimes however be quite thin on the ground – not so much with Visualisers though and so today, I explore five ways that visualisers can help in the classroom.
Collaborative presentations using tools such as Google Slides have been a staple of my classroom for many years now. I always wanted something to help with that process though, a tool that would help give the activity more meaning – then Pear Deck arrived. An interactive presentation tool, Pear Deck…
Technology can help with learning and teaching in many ways. A sure-fire successful starting point for seeing wins with technology in your classroom is by using technology to support feedback for your learners. In today’s infographic, I share five approaches and many more tools you can choose to use to…
A happy new year and welcome to this series of blog posts for January 2023 I’ve decided to call #FiveWaysEdu. Every year I share a post around this time to help reflect on the previous year and look to the future. The problems with the adoption of approaches of ideas…
Thank you so much to everyone who’s engaged with #Appvent22 this year. Particular thanks from me go to my partner in edtech over at Global Edtech, Ronan Mc Nicholl and of course our fantastic guest contributors: Gary Henderson – who shared about Power Automate on day five Jerome Nogues –…
As many will know, back in my 20’s and 30’s I used to DJ in clubs and bars. I won lots of different DJing competitions too. I was known amongst my peers as Mixmaster Mark, such was my ability to blend tracks and my technical ability. I am of that…
On this, the penultimate day of #Appvent22, our guest contributor is an educator with 17 years of chalkface experience and who is also a USAF veteran. Dene E Gainey is an educator and lifelong learner from Orlando, FL with 17 years of experience in education, a BSc in Elementary Education…
Welcome to Day 20! We are fast approaching the end of what has been a fantastic Appvent. Today’s entry has been provided by Ronan Mc Nicholl, Head of Digital Learning (Prep Schools) at Berkhamsted School. I have been using DKfindout! for quite some time in various schools. I really like…
Welcome to Day 21 of #Appvent22 I can’t believe how time has flown with so many great tools shared. One of my favourite things about the series is the opportunity to not just find out new ways of exploring tools we already knew about but also discover new tools we…
Welcome to Day 20 of #Appvent22. Today’s offering comes from Ronan McNicholl again and today he is sharing the newly acquired tool by Microsoft, Clipchamp. Clipchamp is a free video editing platform that was recently acquired by Microsoft. It provides a great set of free tools that teachers can use…
So you say you’re not an artist? Despite all of the creative exposure we have across social media, exploring various art forms, tools, and spaces, many people still don’t consider themselves as being creative individuals. Why is that? Well, art has traditionally been considered a sector that only painters, singers,…
One of the many things that I love about teaching with and about technology is the fact that it is a subject which is always evolving. Computing and ICT aren’t like many other subjects in that regard. Shakespeare will most likely always be taught in English lessons, just as Photosynthesis…
Welcome to day seventeen of #Appvent22. Today we would like to share Polypad by Mathigon. Polypad is essentially a canvas that teachers can use to teach a whole range of mathematical topics across different age ranges. Accessible via the web or via mobile apps, I think it’s definitely worth a…
Welcome to Day 15 on the Appvent Calendar! Today we have a great suggestion for an AR tool from Apple that has lots of applications for use in the classroom for supporting a wide variety of Maths activities. Suggested and shared by Kat Cauchi, Former teacher and Community Engagement Manager…
Welcome to day fifteen of #Appvent22, and what a great two weeks we have had. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that has contributed to making this a success so far. With yesterday’s superb tool for reducing anxiety levels, Molehill Mountain, and our very first…
Today on Day 15 we welcome Caroline Keep as our guest contributor to the Appvent Calendar. An educator, data scientist, national TES award-winning teacher and fellow FED member, Caroline has many accolades under her belt. Her current work sees her as a Doctoral Researcher in developing digitalisation tools in education…
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