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Videos for inspiration and assemblies

By January 17, 20152 Comments

There are lots of things that can inspire creativity in the classroom. We know why we want our students to be creative and to think creatively – it’s so that they can express themselves in ways that enable them to embed their learning in the classroom. One of the ways in which you can inspire pupils is through the use of video and not just for creativity.

I asked on twitter the other day for some ideas for videos that were inspiring and so far I’ve had some great responses. So much so that I thought that I would share them in a space here.

If you are reading this and have a go to video that you use to inspire children in your school, I’d love to add them to the list so please get in touch and I’ll add it in.

Here’s my favourite, it’s called the enlightened man:


The next was shared to me by Graham Watson – a touching story about a girl with MS.


The next one shared was from @ThisIsLiamM:



These from @anacastillo333 are great too. The first one depicts a young football team…


And the next, a touching yet inspiring story of a blind boy who can see through echo location…


This paying it forward video from @zgall4  is great and useful for assemblies too:


This final one is an oldie but a goldie from my perspective on Michael Jordan and failure:


Further to posting this blog post, a few other great folk have shared some of their favourite videos too.

One such person was @ChrisHildrew who shared this one on inclusion and team playing. It’s brilliant:


Another one shared yesterday from @lancslassrach on real beauty is really powerful:


The final addition comes from @ChrisEdwardsUK which was apparently used by Stuart Lancaster to inspire the England rugby team:


If you’ve got any that you’d like to share I’d love to add them to the list. Drop me a line or add yours in the comments.

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson, @ICTEvangelist. Click here to learn more.